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Strip ID: 344 Created: 2022-07-20 06:22:56 Last reply: 2022-08-02 21:31:09 Comments: 9
ballistic coloring

hi! in my ongoing pursuit of terrible ideas, I have been trying to assemble something which turns blender grease pencil strokes into mouse macros
I thought that jumping between random points in each stroke might be a way to fill colored shapes, though the result is more chaotic than I expected! here's a vid:
perhaps there's a more efficient way... to do this step... hahah!
it actually kinda works in Chutney though! here's another vid (ft. 1990 roland nocopyright music)
this is pretty cool
(on the second vid it seems less random:
is it an improved one?)
yeah! I think it improved a bit cause of the tweaking to work in Chutney - gimp seemed to be shooting curves off everywhere with the quick mouse movements, whereas Chutney handles it cleanly!
That is an interesting tool, Battery, would this be an alternative; and more fascinating to watch, version of a paint bucket tool? 😁
it's a very roland-pro nocopyright soundtrack mood cube, huh! yeah `Painovoima` this would be a bucket fill tool which takes a little while and misses bits, to add some spice to the coloring! ah ah
wanted to try it with isometric projected verts from geometry, here's another vid to test that ! (no music this time, aw) [ ]( )
just noticed: when it stops visually updating but keeps registering the strokes, it also manages to do the color switch without the menu appearing - so the halting must be on my end ? but does not affect the outcome!