Level: ESTABLISHED Joined: 2022-07-08 07:50:25 Last active: 2025-01-11 06:16:16



Always Watching

comments made: 240

2025-01-08 21:22:11
next time, stop shoehorning countryballs/solarballs

2025-01-01 02:20:11

2024-10-13 17:58:59
pop it open for massive damage

2024-09-23 10:45:55
no, just wanting hilarious results

2024-09-23 09:40:46
updated description

2024-08-12 22:47:29
Egg is a reference to strip/452

2024-08-11 13:12:58
Granted, but she's under the affect of poison joke and it's incurable I wish my feet could never feel pain

2024-08-03 04:40:52
mouseover description will help you, `satan`

2024-06-20 11:59:19
`Johnny` you can edit it

2024-06-09 11:32:40
Since this is the 100th, we're combining 3 things this time!

2024-06-07 12:55:32
Ghosts don't go "boo" they fart

2024-06-01 04:27:01
Granted, you end up sleeping for the rest of your life I wish Kim Il-Sung was never born

2024-05-23 04:50:48

2024-05-15 07:26:34

2024-05-10 17:32:13
what if someone brings in Jim Carrey as well?

2024-05-10 05:41:28

2024-04-12 14:34:51
tonight huh? Poopovoima?

2024-04-08 13:47:38
I miss `Peyo`

2024-03-28 03:07:47
this is a hard equation

2024-02-26 22:04:12
Flower= a kind of plant Flour= cooking ingredient `PotassiumParamedic`

2024-02-26 20:51:04

2024-02-26 20:48:01
Cubot's eyes being smaller was unintentional ![](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/9/96/Cubot%26Orbot.png)

2024-02-24 20:18:36
Napoleon stood 5'6"

2024-02-23 03:29:04
my persona is here https://pchutney.com/public/panels/image_1762_6.png it's a camera

2024-02-19 07:22:35
you haven't played Super Mario Bros. Wonder?

2024-02-12 22:44:36
to me, Robotnik and Eggman are 2 different entities

2024-02-12 16:52:16
does that guy have 3 arms?

2024-02-10 10:07:59
would you rather have this over a pepto bismol brownie?

2024-02-09 06:30:20
Benadryl is for allergies

2024-02-03 00:26:08
`jblask` that's not how _+_=_ works, you're supposed to add a random item then an equals sign below it, look at previous iterations

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